CAPE WP Awards
CAPE Working Party established a series of awards to recognise outstanding achievements, such as Long Term Achievement Award (LTA), CAPE Recent Innovative Contribution Award (RIC), George Stephanopoulos Award in Process Systems Engineering and EFCE Excellence Award in Recognition of an Outstanding PhD Thesis on CAPE.

LTA - Long Term Achievement Award
The CAPE Award for Long Term Achievements (LTA) is given in recognition of a collection of outstanding achievements over an extended period of time (> 10 years) to the CAPE community (and specifically to the CAPE WP) and to CAPE methods, tools and/or applications for the advancement of science, engineering and technology.

RIC - Recent Innovation Contribution Award
The CAPE Award for Recent Innovation Contribution (RIC) is given in recognition of an outstanding innovative contribution to recent advances in CAPE ideas, methods and/or tools. Recent means within the last 4 years from the current date.

Outstanding PhD Thesis on CAPE
The Excellence Awards are given to recognise PhD theses or publications of young researchers published in preceding years which demonstrate the most outstanding contribution to research and/or practice related to CAPE methods, tools and/or applications.
The next call will open in mid-2025 for presentation in 2026.

GA- George Stephanopoulos Award
The George Stephanopoulos Award is presented in recognition of outstanding achievements in Process Systems Engineering.
The Award is co-sponsored by the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, the EFCE Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering, and the AIChE-CAST Division.

Other EFCE awards
Since 1999, the Federation presents its prestigious Medals, the Dieter Behrens Medal and the Jacques Villermaux Medal.
Further distinctions of the EFCE include the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Danckwerts Lecture.